Mies Photographer

Scape Art

About Scape Art

Scape Art Photography is a freelance business that offers a range of creative services, from design to photography, from brainstorm to business support. Whether you need a logo, a website, a brochure, or a photo shoot, Scape Art Photography can help you bring your vision to life.

About this website

The website is mainly intended for my own artistic expressions with an emphasis on taking photos. As you will notice, Scape is the common thread throughout this site and Art is nothing more than an invitation to viewers to appreciate the aesthetics and emotions of the images. Art is not a claim to artistic merit.

Brand Logo Mies, Scape Art

About me

My name is Mies, a non-professional photographer from the Netherlands, with a creative perspective of the world around us. Not tied to one genre of photography, I have a preference for candid- and street photography. My sense of empathy is of great help in shooting that rare and all day moments of ones life. Always looking for the emotion, the expression or the right combination with the surrounding.

Modesty is an asset

Modesty is an asset, but it will often not produce the best photos when it comes to technique and quality. I am not a pushy photographer who does everything to invade other people’s lives and not the photographer who sets up the light, positions the object or put out it’s tripod. Most pictures are taken in a split second of thinking about the subject, the composition and the available light. In that perspective, the images will always have a unique and less polished style in comparison with the more established photographers.

Mark my words

To give an image more depth and sense, many of my photos have a title that is either contradictory, ambiguous, emphatic, or suggestive.
With these puns, I bring stories to my photos and try to challenge the viewers’ interpretations to look beyond their first impression.
In essence, the titles serve as a bridge between my view of the captured moments and the viewer’s perception, so they can evoke an
emotion, question an assumption or stimulate a sense of curiosity.

Picture this

Photography and words are my way of sharing my vision with the world. I’m always curious to learn new skills and open to new challenges or joining forces with other talented people. If you appreciate my work and in any way want to team up with me, please let me know. I look forward to hearing your ideas.

For now. Enjoy my website and take care.
